Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide food additive that can be offered either as a form of liquid or powder.

It is easily digestible and can be used in the production of candies, creams, ice creams, and other moderately sweet items.

25kg Bag
Maltodextrin (Dry)
Analytical Data SPECIF.
BX 65-70
DS 61.7- 66.7
DE ≤23
pH 4.6 - 6
So2 Max. 20
Ash content % Max. 0.5
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Dextrose 3 ± 2
Maltose 7 ± 2
Maltotriose 12 ± 2
Hisuger 78 ± 2
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Arsenic Max. 1 ppm
Cupper Max. 5 ppm
Lead Max. 1 ppm
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Yeast N.M.T 100/1 ml
Mould N.M.T 100/1 ml
Mesophilic hactcria N.M.T 100/1 ml
Analytical Data SPECIF.
T.Count 300 / gm
Salmonella absent
Coliforms absent
Maltodextrin (Liquid)
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Density (gm/l) (+/-) 630
DE ≤23
pH 4.6 - 6.0
So Max. 20
Ash content % Max. 0.5
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Dextrose 3 ± 2
Maltose 7 ± 2
Maltotriose 12 ± 2
Hisuger 78 + 2
Analytical Data SPECIF.
Arsenic Max. 1 ppm
Cupper Max. 5 ppm
Lead Max. 1 ppm
Analytical Data SPECIF.
T.Count 300 / gm
Salmonella absent
Coliforms absent